Addison's NICU Journey

Hear from hospital Mum Abbie about her daughter Addison's NICU journey and how their family are raising money for the hospital that saved her.
'Our daughter Addison was born prematurely at 28+6 weeks at University Hospital Crosshouse on 6th June 2022.'
'She was delivered by emergency C-section due to me having severe pre-eclampsia.'
'As soon as she was born, Addison was rushed straight to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), and I had to wait hours before being able to see her.'
'Nothing can prepare you for walking through the doors of NICU and seeing your baby hooked up to all of those machines.'
abbie, addison's mum
'It was a terrifying time, but the staff on NICU were so supportive and did everything they could to reassure us.'
'As Addison was so tiny when she was born, she ended up staying in NICU for eight weeks so that she could grow bigger and stronger.'
'We're so grateful for the incredible staff on NICU. They will forever hold a special place in our hearts.'
abbie, addison's mum
'After Addison was discharged from the Neonatal Unit, she was admitted to the paediatric ward with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and required help with her breathing and feeding.'
'Seeing her with a NG tube and prongs again was really hard for us, but the staff on the wards were absolutely amazing and it wasn't long before she was discharged home.'
'We have had a few visits since then as outpatients and the staff have always been fantastic.'
'Addison is 21 months old now and thriving!'
Giving back
'Last year, I raised £600 for Crosshouse Children's Fund by walking 10,000 steps a day in May.'
'At the start of this year, I raised a further £57 for the charity through holding a fundraiser on Facebook.'
'I hope to raise even more in April when I take on the Glasgow Kiltwalk with friends and family!'
'I will forever be thankful for the care and support we have received throughout Addison's hospital stays and raising money for the charity is my way of showing it and giving back to help families like ours.'